I travel...a lot. Over the past five years, I have been to over 40 countries on 4 continents (to include the UAE and Dubai on over 30 occasions), and never,
ever, have I seen such a highly educated citizenry (allegedly so, anyway) of a first world country like America attempt to speak so authoritatively on so many subjects while displaying such utter ignorance of the facts. The stunning self-righteousness which drives so many of these logically devoid views of so many of our fellow American citizens is just staggering. The Dubai ports deal is just one example. Our reasons for going into Iraq are another.
So, for all of you fellow citizens who have recently succumbed to this American epidemic of ignorance (and, unfortunately, there have been way to many of you) when it comes to Middle East policy and politics (and numerous other things for that matter), let me suggest some reading, something that many of you told me you do not have "time" to do. Well, both pieces are short and to the point, so you have no excuse.
Thomas Friedman hits one out of the park with his
Dubai and Dunces piece (Just omit the second paragraph. He is misinformed.) and then follows it up with a perfect take on our current Iraq/Iran policy with
America's Iran Policy: Iraq piece. (See the comments section of this post for the two article sif you do not have access to the NY Times online edition.)
Both should be required reading for all Americans who claim to have an informed, nuanced opinion on Middle East policy.
Let me put it another way...
Apply some analytical rigor to your positions, research them, and then back them up with
facts. Parroted, partisan arguments do nothing but show your intellectual laziness and immense stupidity.
Unless you do your homework and bring something substantive to the table, stay out of the discussion. Making yourself look alarmingly ignorant does nothing, needless to say, to further your cause.