Finally...a woman candidate for national level executive office who is actually...a woman.
No pantsuit, no short hair, 5 children (good God! they hiss), and strong...in a woman's way. Sara Palin has not only shattered the glass ceiling, she has done it as...god forbid...a woman
Let's hope the archetype of the "modern feminist" is gone with Hillary Clinton's failed bid for the Presidency...and none too soon. Here is woman who holds convictions driven by purpose and not by polls. Here is a woman who can walk into a board room and demand respect, not by failed "affirmative action" policies but by convictions of conscience. What traditional, Gloria Steinem emulating feminists have always failed to understand about men is that we ultimately respect not what sex you have happened to be born with. We respect the strength and authenticity of your convictions.
Hillary Clinton never had it.
Sara Palin always had it.
You can't fake it...no matter how hard you try.
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